Thursday, November 24, 2005

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Secret British document accuses Israel

Secret British document accuses Israel

FO paper says international laws are being violated and peace jeopardised

Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Friday November 25, 2005
The Guardian

A confidential Foreign Office document accuses Israel of rushing to annex the Arab area of Jerusalem, using illegal Jewish settlement construction and the vast West Bank barrier, in a move to prevent it becoming a Palestinian capital.

In an unusually frank insight into British assessments of Israeli intentions, the document says that Ariel Sharon's government is jeopardising the prospect of a peace agreement by trying to put the future of Arab East Jerusalem beyond negotiation and risks driving Palestinians living in the city into radical groups. The document, obtained by the Guardian, was presented to an EU council of ministers meeting chaired by the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, on Monday with recommendations to counter the Israeli policy, including recognition of Palestinian political activities in East Jerusalem.

But the council put the issue on hold until next month under pressure from Italy, according to sources, which Israel considers its most reliable EU ally.

Israel has described a recommendation for moving EU meetings with the Palestinian Authority from Ramallah to East Jerusalem in recognition of the Arab claim as "negative occurrence". It claims the eastern part of Jerusalem it occupied in the 1967 war is part of its "indivisible capital". Almost all governments maintain embassies in Tel Aviv because they do not recognise the Israeli claim.

The document, drawn up by the British consulate in East Jerusalem as part of the UK's presidency of the EU, says Israeli policies are designed to prevent Jerusalem from becoming a Palestinian capital, particularly settlement expansion in and around the city. It says Mr Sharon's plan to link Jerusalem with the large Ma'ale Adumim settlement in the West Bank by building thousands of new homes "threatens to complete the encircling of the city by Jewish settlements, dividing the West Bank into two separate geographical areas".

It adds: "Israeli activities in Jerusalem are in violation of both its Roadmap (peace plan) obligations and international law."

The Foreign Office also concludes that the vast concrete barrier, which Israel asserts is a security measure, is being used to expropriate Arab land in and around the city. "This de facto annexation of Palestinian land will be irreversible without very large-scale forced evacuations of settlers and the re-routing of the barrier."

The document says stringent Israeli controls on the movement of Palestinians in and out of the city are an attempt to restrict Arab population growth. "When the barrier is completed, Israel will control all access to East Jerusalem, cutting off its Palestinian satellite cities of Bethlehem and Ramallah, and the West Bank beyond. This will have serious ... consequences for the Palestinians," it says.

"Israel's main motivation is almost certainly demographic ... the Jerusalem master plan has an explicit goal to keep the proportion of Palestinian Jerusalemites at no more than 30% of the total." All of this, the document says, greatly reduces the prospects of a two-state solution because a core demand of the Palestinians is for sovereignty over the east of the city.

"Palestinians are deeply alarmed about East Jerusalem," the document says. "They fear that Israel will 'get away with it', under the cover of disengagement. Israeli measures also risk radicalising the hitherto relatively quiescent Palestinian population of East Jerusalem."

The Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, Mark Regev, said: "Israel believes that Jerusalem should remain the united capital of Israel. At the same time Israel has committed itself that Jerusalem is one of those final status issues."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Nga Migjen Kelmendi
Oct 13, 2005, 12:56

NJERIU I BLLACES, kosovari i hutuem me luftë, kosovari në tanë pamundësinë e vet, kosovari gjynah, i shkretë, i cili ishte në trenin e deportimit, nuk e dijke ku e ka familjen, nuk e dijke çka po ndodhë, nuk e dijke ku po e çojnë, nuk e dijke a don me pshtue a jo, nuk e dijke që asht luftë, sepse partia e tij LDK i kish pas thanë se nuk ka luftë, e kishte veç nji hall, aty në trenin e mbushun me mish kosovarësh si konzervat e sardinës – “E kam lanë derën e shpisë çelë! Qysh me ja bo hallin?!”
E pashë këte kosovarin sivjet në nji program televiziv të Shqipnisë, tue u la n’Durrës. Me done t’rramë se llastikin e kishin t’prishun, i rreshktë p’ej dielli se ka kujtue se dielli s’i ban gja e kremat e çadrat ishin shtrejtë, me dhambë të prishtë e të’verdhuem cigareje, këtij ekstenzioni dore t’Njeriut t’Bllaces, kurioz e plot shend tue e pa foton e Milloshit vnue si shej nga ndonji shqiptar Shqipnie, koshient për tanë budallakinë e nji Njeriu të Bllaces.
Ky shqiptar Shqipnie, kopil e i mençun si naj punëtor Sigurimi Enveri, e kish pas hetue tanë pamundësinë, tanë frustrimin e nji kosovari, e nji Njeriu të Bllaces, dhe me nji teptisje gjenialiteti të çastit, e kish pas skenue dikah prej Interneti, si tha, nji fotoportret të Sllobodan Millosheviqit, dhe e kish pas vnue si shej që kosovarët, shkue me u la n’Durrës, me e qillue me pushkë!
Keshke Njeriun i Bllaces, i lumnuem, i gëzuem, që asht kah e qillon Milloshin n’tepe t’kresë! N’lul t’ballit. Trim, siç nuk ka qenë kurrë. Krenar, siç nuk e di çka domethanë. I lumnuem, siç ka qenë gjithmonë.
Tanë frustrimin e mbledhun dekade, Njeriu i Bllaces e shpraske n’ate imazh t’skenuem të Milloshin, qashtu qysh kurrë s’ka pasë guximin me e ba. Gjatë tanë asaj kohe aparthejdi, Njeriut të Bllaces as në fund të mendjes nuk i pat shkue me e qillue qishtu me pushkë Milloshin, qysh nisën me e quejt. Atij vetëm i shtihoheshin dofar lajme se “paska dekë, a ndiet? Ka dekë Milloshi!!!”. U gëzojke kapak, me disa cigare e disa çaja t’zi (“si qehrja, a s’po e shef çfare, a!”) Njeriu i Bllaces që shet mend në çajtore me çaj t’zi t’Rusit, të zi si qehrja e vet, tanë asaj kohe e mashtrojke veten me këso lajme që i ndigjojke diku, sa me u habit e me u hutue pak. Se, me ba me ndejt i kthejlltë, i bijke t’paktë prej tanë asaj doze realiteti.
Shumë vjet ma vonë, e pashë këte njeri të shkretë, këte model dominant kosovari, sepse dominant edhe ishte numri i kosovarëve të dëbuem prej Kosove – afër 1 milion njerëz – se si e qillojke n’lule t’ballit nji imazh me të cilin kishte jetue me dekada - i ngrimë tute.
Dokej i lumnuem kur e qillojke. I lumnuem si gjithmonë që ka qenë. Njeriu i Bllaces.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

| Demise of Italy's runaway grandfather

By Mark Duff
BBC, Milan

When lonely Italian 80-year-old Giorgio Angelozzi put himself up for adoption in 2004, the world took pity. But shortly after Grandpa Giorgio settled in with his new family, he disappeared, leaving a trail of debts and broken hearts.

The glint in his eye should have warned us.

Giorgio Angelozzi was sitting in the kitchen of his new home outside Milan.

It was autumn, a year ago. Giorgio was in the news and loving it.

He had taken out an advert in a national newspaper here, pleading for a family to adopt him as a grandad.

"I'm old, I'm lonely and I want to be someone's grandfather," it read.

He had a lot to offer, it seemed. As a retired classics teacher, he would love to help educate the children of anyone kind enough to welcome him into their family.

Across the world, columnists pointed to Giorgio as a symbol of Italy's problems: an ageing population, a decrepit pensions system, the vaunted Italian family imploding under the pressures of life in the 21st Century.

Cheeky sparkle

Giorgio was inundated with offers.

He took his pick, left his home and seven cats outside warm, southern Rome">BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Demise of Italy's runaway grandfather: "Demise of Italy's runaway grandfather
By Mark Duff
BBC, Milan

When lonely Italian 80-year-old Giorgio Angelozzi put himself up for adoption in 2004, the world took pity. But shortly after Grandpa Giorgio settled in with his new family, he disappeared, leaving a trail of debts and broken hearts.

The glint in his eye should have warned us.

Giorgio Angelozzi was sitting in the kitchen of his new home outside Milan.

It was autumn, a year ago. Giorgio was in the news and loving it.

He had taken out an advert in a national newspaper here, pleading for a family to adopt him as a grandad.

'I'm old, I'm lonely and I want to be someone's grandfather,' it read.

He had a lot to offer, it seemed. As a retired classics teacher, he would love to help educate the children of anyone kind enough to welcome him into their family.

Across the world, columnists pointed to Giorgio as a symbol of Italy's problems: an ageing population, a decrepit pensions system, the vaunted Italian family imploding under the pressures of life in the 21st Century.

Cheeky sparkle

Giorgio was inundated with offers.

He took his pick, left his home and seven cats outside warm, southern Rome"

Thursday, November 10, 2005



Nga Eki Rrahmani, Londer
Nov 10, 2005, 15:38

Prej vitit 1659, kur në Mbretni ka fillue me u mbajt statistikat, ky Tetor që e lamë mbrapa ka qenë Tetori ma i nxehtë ndonjihere n’histori.
Nuk po e them vetëm sa me jau shtu merakun për ‘global warning’, por kur n’Londër mbretnon mot aq i kandshëm, përjeton dhembje të vërtetë kur zgjedhë me u ngujue n’errësinën e kinemave t’Londrës.
Po...çka me ba...London Film Festival ndodhë vetëm njihere në vjet dhe prapë sivjet LFF rikonfirmoi se asht nji ndër festivalet ma të mëdha në botë.
Para se ta sjell nji pasqyrë t’asaj që ndodhi gjatë këtyne dy jave, m’duhet me e përmend nji ndodhi tjetër që këto ditë Tetori e ndriti jeten teme.
Ishte nji mbramje për promovimin e librave që e bani nji mik jemi i madh, Bejtullah Destani.
‘Highland Lute’ (“Lahuta e Malcis” e Gjergj Fishtës, përkthye nga Robert Elsie) dhe “Ali Këlcyra: A Red and Black Aristocrat” (“Ali Këlcyra: Aristokrati Kuq e Zi” e Tanush Frashërit), u promovuen hiq ma pak se në “House of Commons”, njëra nga dy dhomat e parlamentit britanik.
Mysafir ishin disa anëtarë të parlamentit britanik, në krye me John Austin – udhëheqës i grupit anglo-shqiptar n’Parlament, gjashtë amasadorë të vendeve të ndryshme, përfshi këtu edhe amasadorët e Shqipnisë, Serbisë e Malit te Zi e Sllovenisë.
Me plot dëshirë i pezullova tre filma nga programi im për këte natë. I kisha propozu Rugovës, nëse e lexon këte artikull, që të madhin Bejtullah Destani ta dekoroj me farë çmimi, se ma merr mendja edhe ky kish me qenë nji hap drejt pamvarsisë së Kosovës!

Gjatë këtij Tetori të nxehtë, dilema ma e madhe për çdo filmdashës asht - ku me ja nisë?!
Kur ke vetëm dy javë, ke ma se 180 filma, ke ma se 30 premiera europiane e ma se120 premiera britanike, as panika nuk banë punë.
Vesela kazakova, "Stolen Eyes"
Aq shumë filma, e aq pak kohë.
Sivjet e kemi pas mazën e regjisorëve të botës, tuj ja nisë prej veteranëve si Atom Egoyan, Michael Haneke, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Michael Winterbottom, Terry Gilliam, Takeshi Kitano, Lars von Trier, Steven Soderbergh, Vllaznia Dardenne, Gabrielle Salvators...Por edhe të regjirëve të ri, që janë tuj e ndjek rrugën e t’parëve si, Danis Tanovic, Fernando Meirelles, Kutlug Ataman, Nicholas Winding Refn, Fatih Akin, e shumë të tjerë.
Prapë mungon ndonji filmatar shqiptar!

Fatih Atkin, regjisor
N’anën tjetër, nga kojshitë tanë, vendet tjera Ballkanike, ka pasë filma ma shumë se çdo vit tjetër. M’duhet me e cekë filmin fantastike nga Bosna, “Kod Amidže Idriza”, me regji të Pjer Žalica-s. Asht nji film që t’i qetë lotë n’sy, jo se tregon në mënyrë eksplicite far krimi n’Bosne, po ta përkujton bukurinë e njerëzve dhe humorin që çdo njeri që ka qenë n’Bosne ma merre mendja e ka përjetu.
Skenari asht i konstruktuem nga përditshmënia, ngjarjet fare të parëndësishme.
Žalica në mënyrë të thjeshtë nxjerrë në sheshe traumat që personazhet e tij i kanë përjetu po në të njajtën kohë prek në problemet e reja n’Bosnen e mbasluftës.
Në nji vend ku ke fat nëse je i punësuem...po edhe nëse je, prapë të duhet me u mësue me kompjuterat. Në mënyrë shumë të thjeshtë Žalica i ndërlidhë personazhet (kojshitë) së bashku në ‘storien’ e tij, ku ata vajtojnë kohët e shkueme dhe i kujtojnë ditët e komunizmit kur çdo gja ishte shumë thjesht. ***image2:center*
Žalica në mënyrë fantastike të merr me vehte e të njofton me detalet më të imëta të botës intime të këtyne personazheve. Nji film i punuem bukur, i kandshëm, me nji skenar fantastik, aktrim ‘down to earth’ dhe nji realizim minimalistik. Filmatarët shqiptarë duhen me marrë mësim se si në mënyrë shumë të thjeshtë, minimaliste, mundet me u realizue filmi. I ftoj të gjithë me i gjetë mënyrat e me e pa këte film.
I njëjti send vlen edhe për filmin e bullgarit Radosllav Spassov, ‘Stolen Eyes’(“Otkradnati Ochi”). Film, i cili ban fjalë kohën e Zivkovit, në fund të 80’ave, kur vendosi me jau ndërru emnat, traditat, kostumet minoritetit turk, tue u mundue me i bullgarizue. Filmi tregohet në të kaluemen (‘flashback’) dhe ka nji strukturë shumë të ngjashme me ‘Before the Rain’ të Mancevskit.
Filmi tregon luftën për ruejtjen e identitetit përmes marrëdhanieve të dy personazheve kryesore dy të ri. Ajten, nji vajzë e re turke dhe, Ivan, nji ushtar bullgar.
Pasi Ajtenes i vdes fëmiu në nji aksident, në të cilin asht i ngatërruem edhe Ivani, që të dy përfundojnë në nji klinikë psikiatrike. Aty, tue marrë parasysh nji prapaskenë plot trauma, marrëdhënia e tyne në mënyrë shumë të veçantë zhvillohet në dashni.
‘Stolen Eyes’ asht ba me regji të kameramanit Spassov ,dhe hetohet puna e tij se me sa ndjeshmëni i ka filmue ngjarjet. Aktrimi i Valeri Yordanov – Ivanit, asht njimend për lakmi. Mënyra se si e luen ai zhvillimin e karaketrit të tij nga nji person që nuk don me iu bashku njisiteve speciale bullgare, e deri te personi i cili asht i shtyem me ba krime po që në nji farë mënyre arrinë me e ruejt njerëzoren në personazhin e vet.
Me të njejtën energji i pergjegjet Vessela Kazakova (Ajten). Ajo zhvillon nji personazh qe asht në të njejtën kohë shumë e butë, e prekshme, mirëpo poashtu edhe shumë e fortë, e egër në trysninë e saj, për me e ruejt emin, traditën dhe identiten e vet.
Nji film tjetër që u mirëpritë shumë nga publiku ishte filmi slloven ‘Gravehoping’, nji komedi me humor të zi, ku personazhi kryesor fiton bukën e gojes tuj mbajt fjalime nëpër varrime.
Publiku mirëpriti edhe filmin e Fatih Atkin ‘Crossing the Bridge’. Regjisori që na solli ‘Head On’, sivjet erdhi me nji dokumentar. Filmi ka nji element alla ‘Shuffle’ të Ylberit e Edonit, veçse ban fjalë për skenën muzikore t’Stambollit.
Nga Turkia me shumë sukses u dha edhe filmi fantastik i Kutlug Ataman, ‘2Girls’ ( ‘2 Çika’). Ataman mbas ‘Lola and Bilidikid’, i realizuem n’Gjermani, u kthye n’Turqi si u shpreh ai, për me e vendosë veten n’hartën e regjisorëve turq.
Tue folë se sa ndryshe asht ky film prej kineasteve tradicionalë n’Turqi, Ataman u deklarue me ironi se shumica e kineastëve turq jetojnë në shekullin e kaluem dhe banojnë jo n’Turqi, po n’Finlandë!
Nga kinematografitë botnore sivjete prapë Amerika Latine solli nji freski, me filmat nga Brazili si “Almost Brothers”, “Lower City” e “Estamira”.
Nga Lindja e Largët Takeshi Kitano s’ka t’ndalun, si regjisor në “Takeshi’s” dhe si aktor në “Blood and Bones”.
“French Revolutions” thirret pjesa e festivalit që shfaqë filmat francezë.
Pos filmit të Danis Tanovic, m’duhet me e përmend filmin “Hidden” të Michael Hanneke’s, i cili ban fjalë për rolin e Francës gjatë kolonizimit t’Algjerisë, por pa tregue asnji imazh nga ai konflikt.
Nji send tjetër që duhet me e përmend asht “Elizabethtown” në regji të Cameroon Crowe-it, i cili sivjet iu bashkue listës së aktorëve që shëndrrohen në regjisorë.
E pos tijna, në këte kategori duhet me e përmend filmin e tretë të Steve Buscemi-t “Lonesome Jim” si dhe trillerin politik të George Clooney-t “Good Night, and Good Luck”, i cili edhe e mbylli festivalin t’ejten.

Në fund, mbas dy jave, ma shumë se 70 orë i ngujuem nëpër kinot e Londrës, për lexuesit e “Javës” m’duhet me e përmend edhe filmin ma të prekshëm të tanë festivalit , “Shooting Dogs” të Michael Caton-Jones. Filmi ban fjalë për nji “Srebrenicë” të Ruandës. Asht skenari që tashma asht pa në disa vende kur, trupat e Kombeve t’Bashkueme jau lëshojnë mjekërr ma se 3000 pjesëtarëve të fisit Tutsi dhe i lanë me i masakrue kriminelat e fisit rival Hutu.
Shpresoj se UNMIK nuk ka me e përsërit këtë gabim e me ja lshue mjekërr shqiptarëve në negociata!


Independent thinking

Kosovo must become a state if it is to be a well-governed and democratic society, say Isa Blumi and Anna Di Lellio
Isa Blumi and Anna Di Lellio
Monday October 24, 2005

Guardian Unlimited
In the current debate on Kosovo's political status, talks about conditional independence and substantial decentralisation as the sole guarantee for the protection of Serb minorities have become a mantra.

However, if democracy and security are the desired goal, a prolonged international custodial role and decentralisation are not the solution.

Experience has shown that traditional high diplomacy in the Balkans, whose foundations were laid at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, creates instability for two main reasons - it routinely disregards the will of local agents and places an overbearing emphasis on ethnicity.

The consequences of this approach are pernicious, yet today's debate on Kosovo shows very little has been learned from its failure.

Take the decentralisation plan of 1903 that the Great Powers requested from the Ottoman government: the Mürzsteg scheme. The goal, then as today, was to protect the rights of Christians.

More than 100 villages in Kosovo were separated from their Albanian and Muslim neighbours and allowed to administer themselves with the assistance of outside "experts". Free from taxation, they had their own judicial and administrative institutions as well as gendarmeries organised and led by Italy, Russia and France.

Rather than ensuring stability, however, the Mürzsteg scheme facilitated the mobilisation of Serb and Bulgarian minority "communities", and clashes between Christians and Albanians over territory increased.

In the 1990s, the international conferences and peace plans designed to avoid the bloodshed in Yugoslavia were notable for following the same logic, giving space to the idea of a link between ethnic nationality and territory as a basis - paradoxically - on which to preserve multi-ethnicity.

The Carrington plan, the Vance plan, the Zagreb-4 plan, the Cutilheiro plan, the Vance-Owen peace plan, the Owen-Stoltenberg plan and the Contact Group plan all consequently failed to stop the war.

The 1995 Dayton peace accords were perhaps the most notorious example. They put an end to the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but created two distinct entities, along ethnic lines, that are de facto separated although legally together and could split given the chance.

Dayton established an international mission in Bosnia which, 10 years later, is still headed by a high representative with the power to overrule domestic institutions, impose legislation and dismiss local officials - a good recipe only for passive citizenship. More damning still, the two entities are hardly integrated or reconciled.

In Kosovo, too, a UN-led protectorate with broad powers, UNMIK, was established after the 1999 NATO intervention. An undemocratic institution by definition, it failed to create democratic citizenship in Kosovo but contributed to an irreconcilable ethnic separation - a serious obstacle to democracy and stability.

Six years of protectorate have consolidated an Albanian ethnic identity as discourse and practice. As an illustrative example, UNMIK travel documents, substituting Yugoslav passports, contribute to classify Albanians in Kosovo as a unique group without a state or a nation and identified only by their ethnicity.

The protectorate has also confirmed the de facto partition of Kosovo along ethnic lines at the Ibar river. As NATO troops settled in the southern section of the divided city of Mitrovica in June 1999, they did not fulfil their mandate to secure the entire territory of Kosovo, and seem even more unable to do so now.

Northern Kosovo, with its parallel structures of government and economy, constitutes a physical and political magnet for Serb communities south of the river as the vital umbilical cord to Belgrade.

Today, international diplomacy entrusts negotiation about Kosovo's status to a European special envoy with as many as three deputies - an American, a European, and a Russian. It would be highly advisable for this group to refrain from trying to impose a diplomatic solution that professes to support multi-ethnicity but instead carves out ethnic enclaves.

As in the past, decentralisation as a tool to protect - and substantially separate - Serb minorities is a solution that continues to empower self-styled "representatives" of ethnic groups and creates new possibilities for conflict.

Local and regional security concerns will be better guaranteed if Kosovo integration into NATO and the EU are given a clear timeline and tied to the functioning of Kosovo institutions, especially their ability to respect minority safety and rights. Conditional integration into Europe, not conditional independence, should be planned for Kosovo.

Would Kosovo be able to perform? It should be given the chance. But in order to become a democratic society governed by institutions that are more transparent and responsive than the current ones, it must become a state.

International bureaucracies acting in loco parentis can produce only passive citizenship and encourage local institutions to behave irresponsibly. As in the case of East Timor or Eritrea, or nearby Montenegro, Kosovan statehood could be decided locally in a referendum.

Toying with the idea that Serbia would maintain some sort of sovereignty over Kosovo will not ensure stability.

And it would not be good for Serbia, a country that, after years of indecision, must clearly know what its southern borders are. Serbia can only profit from acquiring, in an independent Kosovo, a more self-assured and friendly neighbour.

· Isa Blumi teaches Middle East and Islamic Studies and History, and Anna Di Lellio has been involved in Kosovo since the war as an international administrator and researcher.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005